I'm New

New to Winnsboro Church of Christ? Welcome! Let us show you around.

Let us introduce you to someone

We follow Jesus. We aren't perfect, but we are committed. Jesus is our Lord. He is worthy of all glory, honor and praise. He is the eternal king and savior. He laid down his life and was crucified bringing reconciliation. He rose from the grave, conquered death, and set us free. He challenges the status quo of all times and all cultures by calling us to live according to the standards of the Kingdom of God. Justice, holiness, and sacrificial love are not fads, but eternal principals based on the character of God himself. If you let him, Jesus will wow you, motivate you, shock you, and disturb you. It is what he has done (and continues to do) with us. If you don't know him, come and see what he is all about. His story is the Good News for all creation and it can be your good news as well.

We would love the chance to introduce ourselves to you, but our greatest hope is that you would get introduced to Jesus. Whatever you do, don't assume you already know him. Christianity has been around for a couple thousand years. We are all still on our journey figuring out who he is and who he is calling us to be.

A Note From Our Minister

Thanks for checking out the Winnsboro Church of Christ! I have the privilege of serving the church as the preaching minister and I would like nothing better than to sit down with you so we can get to know each other. I am always willing to put some coffee on and would love the chance to talk. Have some tough questions? Have some heavy burdens? Whatever you are facing and wherever you are on your faith faith journey, I would love to share in it with you. I might not have the answers you are looking for and in my experience, there is no magic button to make problems go away, but I believe Jesus is the one we can turn to and he can turn our lives around. The entire church family here at Winnsboro can be here for you, too. We weren't designed to try to handle things alone. God brought us together as family. Don't hesitate to reach out. You aren't being an inconvenience or a burden, you are just being human living in a fallen world and needing help sometimes. Welcome to the club. We are all in it together, so let us do what we can to lighten each other's load.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and love of God and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you.

Jesus Is Lord! Jesus Is Risen! Jesus is Coming!

In Christ,

Colby Clapp