Why We Pray

Communal Prayer carries us before the thrown of the God we long to serve.

Prayer is an ancient practice. For as long as humanity has understood the existence of the divine, we have sought an audience with him. The Bible is very specific. The followers of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Spirit pray to the source of all life, all love, all grace, and all blessings. We do not pray to unresponsive idols (1 Thessalonians 1:9), but to a loving Creator who listens and responds. He is no genie in a bottle just waiting to grant wishes. He is no Santa Claus who dutifully fills our lists of requests. He is no stage magician or performer of illusions or cheap tricks to keep us entertained. He is God. There is none like him (Exodus 15:11). God loves his children and desires good for them. He blesses and heals and supports and builds up. He also gives free choice, establishes consequences, and doles out judgments.

We live in a broken world. It was broken by sin, transgression, and rebellion against the good God who made it. God is still active in this world, but our lives will be plagued by the reality of fallen creation until Jesus returns one day at the final culmination to make all things new. Prayer is our avenue to transcend above our broken world and reach into the perfect realm of God. When we do, we lay our burdens at his feet and petition God to ease the pain, sufferings, and injustices of this world. We are receptive to his transforming power, grace, and righteousness. Prayer is the faithful yearning for something better directed toward the only one who can truly make it better.

It may be a simple prayer, but it is a moment of divine interaction none-the-less. Jesus actually emphasized the need to keep prayers straightforward and simple (Matthew 6:7-13). Things happen in prayer that we do not understand. Prayer is how we move ourselves from the realm of the seen to the unseen. It isn't ethereal or mystical, but it is how we participate in the divine reality of our gracious and glorious heavenly father whether we grasp it and appreciate it or not.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes on behalf of the saints according to God’s will. - Romans 8:26-27 NEt