Next Steps

Your next step can be found here.

Next Steps

HERE at Winnsboro Church of Christ we believe we all take part in furthering the kingdom of God. Our goal is to see people grow in relationship with God and others. We want to be there every step of the way sharing the ways God heals, brings hope and joy, bestows wisdom, and inspires us to whole-hearted devotion.

Not a follower of Jesus yet? Contact us to learn more about him and how you can join his kingdom and make him lord of your life.

Already a follower? GREAT! We give glory to God for you, but there is work to be done. We as a church want to help you discover your next steps to becoming more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Join Us for One of Our Gatherings

Our weekly gatherings are of utmost importance to us. Not everyone can be there all the time - we understand that, but know that if you don't gather together with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, you are missing out. You aren't just missing a sermon, you are missing being a connected part of the body of Christ. God is doing things in our congregation. The Holy Spirit is active in the lives of our members opening eyes, softening hearts, and changing lives. When we share our lives together, this opens up the door for the Holy Spirit to work even more. We need each other as we walk on our spiritual journeys. As God is works on and through each one of us, if others don't get to share in that, they are missing an opportunity to be changed as well.

The goal is to be in community as a church week in and week out. While God can work through a single worship service, he also works cumulatively over time as we share our lives and worship together. As we form relationships, we will inevitably be disappointed. We are all broken people making mistakes, and often our mistakes and poor attitudes affect the people around us. Being a part of a church is a rocky road, but it is a beautiful one as we learn to help each other, care for each other, and forgive each other. Come and join us for worship. More importantly, we encourage you to keep coming back.

Special Events

Our special events are found here. Scroll down to find the things we do on a more regular basis!

Regular Events

This is the stuff we've always got going on. Join us as we seek the Lord together!

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